With the current backdrop and

    Posted by steve on 27th of Feb 2022 at 08:51 pm

    With the current backdrop and what's unfolding day by day (and hourly), I'm much more focused on what's transpiring for humanity than trading this weekend 

    I am reminded of Sun Tzu's dictum that one should "build a golden bridge for your enemy to retreat across." Unity, resolution, and continued pressure on Russia are necessary, but saving #Ukrainealso requires making it easier for Moscow to reverse course.

    well said! I might add

    Posted by mla127 on 27th of Feb 2022 at 11:02 pm

    well said! I might add ... an humiliation like the one in the 90's for them will not be helpful in the long run ...there has to be a way for them to retreat from this so that this situation is being dialed down .... I truly think this whole thing could have been de-escalated ... and like it often is, innocent people are caught in the middle of a political chess game ...and never forget,  those making these decisions and enabling them from abroad won't suffer a bit from this ... their family won't either ...   


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