if we hold above 4117

    Posted by RP on 4th of May 2021 at 11:45 am

    if we hold above 4117 on sp500 than we will head back up if not longer term cycles will kick in for more of a flush. think one more high than we rollover into the fall mkt wont like bobo's tax plan period inflation is here and the munchkin just told us they will raise rates the see it as and issue but my guess that is lip service this could get away from them big time. real estate here in tucson and around country except places like NY are booming but if we hav infaltion gold and silver and real estate will be the place to be. still looking for gold in the 2100-2300 range this year. so if you hav big 401k and you take out your money and pay the feds 44% plus state etc etc you still feeling loaded . i think a lot will stop trading we take the risk they take they money screw that!!


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