i am still long SPY

    Posted by RP on 1st of Mar 2021 at 09:18 am

    i am still long SPY calls and APPS and SOL i posted .also long F and SNE looking for a bounce here in IAU SLV and GDXJ and SILJ  into mid march than we may roll over again into april which i than think we will head up into the fall. if we take out 1818 on gold than we could have nice move. also any of these tax hikes come into play like 44% cap gains to pay for aunt nancy faied state and her train and art will not be good for the mkts included corp tax increases. gas has gone up from like 1.80 a gallon to 2.50 /2.85 hugh tax on the folks in only what a month soon you will need to take out a loan to fill your tank. as usual we will see if any brains and  common sense still exist in washington...doubtful these taxes have been tried before in other countries and here and leads to stagnation aand folks just say they had it and leave. florida is prime example,,,


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