Fantastic post from "MAGABULL". This

    Posted by goldnice on 1st of Sep 2020 at 09:40 pm

    Fantastic post from "MAGABULL". This totally encompasses the psychology of this historical stock market bubble. I can remember telling all my relatives and anyone else who would listen in 1999 the exact same thing when i was a totally inexperienced market plunger. This market can keep going parabolic up until the election but obviously there is potential for historical gains on the bear side eventually. If not, see you at Nasdaq $20k.

    See chart above from pmahoney.

    Posted by z0ned on 2nd of Sep 2020 at 07:32 am

    See chart above from pmahoney.   In 1999 everything was going up, pigs and all.   This is different.  Only 50% of Nasdaq stocks above their 50 MA.


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