$SLV - $SPY Ratio Chart

    Posted by goldnice on 1st of Apr 2020 at 05:31 pm

    $SLV - $SPY Ratio Chart {Monthly Close} This chart is telling me that the bull market in silver relative to the broad U.S Stock Market has not even started yet. The $GLD- $SPYratio chart posted below just broke out of the parabolic downtrend in Feb 2020. Silver will follow which is typical in the early stages of a hard money bull market. In situations like this i always remember one of my favorite Jesse Livermore quotes "Sometimes the market takes it's time doing what you thought it must do."

    Goldnice.  I think we have

    Posted by ssaffer on 1st of Apr 2020 at 05:33 pm

    Goldnice.  I think we have one more push lower on Silver to retest the recent lows.   Perhaps in a couple of weeks.  But I do believe at some point Silver will outperform Gold on a % basis.  


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