Working overtime this weekend on

    Posted by ssaffer on 21st of Mar 2020 at 11:50 pm

    Working overtime this weekend on my charts.    One thing that jumps out at me is "IWM".  The Russell never made new highs during the 2019 run.   It was still correcting, so what I have noticed  as of Friday (didnt sell off as much as the rest of the index's).   That IWM may have already hit its 3/5 wave down target.   And will be the first out of the gates for the next rally.   Keep your eye on it this week as it have bullish div on the 60 min.   Then we have OIL.   We need oil to rally for a good overall market rally.   USO looks like it is near a bottom, this week will give us some more clarity on the count.   


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