I am a consultant now for major medical manf companies, and I told them all that they need to ramp up production here for PPE equipment,  That the factories in China are done and will not be online form months and that what they do manf will be used for their own people.  In a communist country you theoretically cannot own anything.  Your assets are not protected at the end of the day., The US is so used too paying pennies for products in China but now we are paying the ultimate price by not being able to provide masks, gowns, goggles, hand sanitizer to the hospitals and caregivers that so desperately need it.  Then we have an admin who totally fumbled on the testing and we are way behind the curve now.   So my recommendation to them is, look to start manf here in the US and people will have to get used to paying more but you have control over the supply chain.   


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