Steve, Thanks again for the follow

    Posted by frank on 10th of Oct 2008 at 01:40 am


    Thanks again for the follow up nightly report explaining the details in full of what we may expect.

    The short two day rally you mentioned that occured in mid Sept happened to occur after a decline in the mkt and right before options expiry. Knowing that the market has declined once again since the last expiry day ( dow - 25 % ) it is then probably the likelihood that we get some quick, meaningful snap back rally as you alluded too...and probably before this expiry day.

    I guess my question is...Can we assume we will get a market rally before next fridays option expiry date since the market makers will try to kill the many puts ?

    I am no expert in the market makers position in retrospect to option expiry date. So I ask you if you know.




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