
    Posted by mla127 on 16th of Dec 2016 at 09:44 am

    Stay the course ... 1st Target hit ... 


    Posted by mla127 on 20th of Dec 2016 at 10:14 am

    I don't always nail this one properly... NatGas is a commodity with ADD... lots of wild moves ... but this time, I was bang on ....  selling the 2nd third of my short UNG (and HND.to) ....  last piece will have a stop slightly above today's HOD ... carry on !!! 

    Nice job. Like breaking a

    Posted by cal1 on 20th of Dec 2016 at 10:49 am

    Nice job. Like breaking a wild horse.


    Posted by cal1 on 16th of Dec 2016 at 09:48 am

    If we grind down to 8.27, we might be able to close that gap down to 8.13. It almost looks like the MACD wants to keep falling. I'm hoping the bottom falls out.


    Posted by mla127 on 16th of Dec 2016 at 09:52 am

    The 3.36 area is decent support on the futures, so wouldn't suprise me if it try to muster a bounce here, but there's a lot of "thin air" underneath if this breaks, so having the bottom falling off is a good possibility if this area doesn't hold !  


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