CGI ... Yep I was long ... but ....

    Posted by mla127 on 12th of Oct 2016 at 11:31 pm

    I mentioned the other day that trading sometimes feels like jogging in a minefield ... and one day you'll step on one of them, it's just bound to happen. Well, you can also wear a "bomb suit" to help diffuse the blast if it does happen ... and I consider this to be a stop in trading! ALWAYS HAVE ONE AND STICK WITH IT ... I was long CGI avg 8.60, I set a stop at the 34ema / Lower trendline on the daily to give it a bit of room to move within the pattern ...I got hit today, but initially, It looked like a "run the stop" flash drop and rebounded back to the 13min EMA on the 10min chart, but then a waterfall even got going ... you are not immune to a gap down, but many catastrophe can be prevented by the use of stops ... use them, you'll thank yourself one day   Smile


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