Buy signal

    JP Morgan predicts $1400 Gold in 2016

    Posted by caddpro123 on 11th of May 2016 at 02:32 pm

    I believe breaking 1300 in May would be a strong buy signal. The money in precious metals right now is with the miners, not the metals themselves. If you wait until the price hits 1380 you will have missed a golden opportunity. (sorry I couldn't resist) Even at these levels, the miners as a whole are well below prices of just a few years ago.

    But how do you know

    Posted by junkie on 11th of May 2016 at 02:42 pm

    But how do you know that a move up is not a reaction to a low last year, and that we will see $1,000 before we see $1,400? The upside is up to $5,000 at least, so I would not be concerned about getting an extra $80 now.

    What is your strategy

    Posted by caddpro123 on 11th of May 2016 at 02:47 pm

    It all depends; are you trading the metals, the ETF's or the miners themselves?

    I will not buy an

    Posted by junkie on 11th of May 2016 at 02:58 pm

    I will not buy an ETF for known reasons, only the metal itself or a futures contract.


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