Anyway...The delivery is not the important part of the manipulation, a delivery is a very rare event in terms of the number of contracts traded. It is the ability to go short silver using money as the deposit rather than silver that is the problem, this is what allows volumes on the COMEX to exceed in size of the physical market.

    The rolling humongous short selling - is the big problem
    - the GLD just adds to it - use of the GLD is actually two fold

    1- use of the shares - doesn't directly/immediately affect the physical demand at the time
    2- they can borrow/short sell/use hypothecated GLD shares - which can flywheel forward - having to come up with the phyzz
    (eg until after an orchestrated take down - when they can pick up the real stuff and settle up... all the while not having caused a demand spike at any point)

    That's not adding in... that GLD - probably has - no true (in place) physical backing
    (A rob, steal, borrow - phyzz as & when needed op ;-/


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