According To Bank of America, NB

    66 Days to go?....

    Posted by saturn6 on 17th of Jun 2015 at 12:54 pm

    According To Bank of America,

    NB Now - Criticising the Fed Not Just - Once (Above) but.... Twice (Below)
    - Is someone there - looking for a - swan dive - or what ??

    This Is "The Biggest Risk To Global Equities"

    "While most are focused on the risks around a withdrawal of liquidity, we believe the biggest hit to confidence could be the opposite: if another round of US QE is necessary to prop up the economy,"
    - BofAML says, suggesting the Fed now cornered
    - as raising rates risks..... destabilizing markets and...
    - QE4 risks.... betraying the.... futility....
    - of successive ....central bank interventions


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