SLV - Latest...

    Posted by saturn6 on 15th of May 2015 at 09:55 am

    At the top of the trend on the 30Min and popped the 'Triangle' on the 60Min.

    Notice the 'IHS' played out to its objective..

    Are you looking for a

    Posted by rbreese on 15th of May 2015 at 10:08 am

    Are you looking for a TOP in miners in the near term?. THX  Robert

    No!...Not looking for a top in Miners

    Posted by saturn6 on 15th of May 2015 at 10:13 am

    Am hoping the resistance on the weekly is taken out like it has on the Weekly line chart. But will hedge if it fails the 'Triangle' resistance.

    THX for such a quick

    Posted by rbreese on 15th of May 2015 at 10:32 am

    THX for such a quick candid answer. You must be long .Good luck as I have NO position now.


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