spx16.gif rp,  keep posting, I'm enjoying

    Posted by trade on 19th of Sep 2008 at 02:15 pm

    rp,  keep posting, I'm enjoying your thinking on this.  I think there is a strong chance we've topped today, lot of resistance right above today's high based on this chart.


    SP500.I - 13 hour continuous chart

    Posted by pki on 19th of Sep 2008 at 02:56 pm
    Title: the 13 hour a day chart on SP500 index.

    rp - If your correct

    Posted by cspirit on 19th of Sep 2008 at 02:25 pm

    rp - If your correct then wouldn't you want to take some GOLD home with you over the weekend?  I would think they would want to get everyone to go long into the next month option period.  If this is the case then rally will continue on Monday.

    What I do not like is people on wall street are tell goverment what to do therefore avg. JOE and JOEEIA is out in the dark. 


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