Posted by rbreese on 20th of Jan 2014 at 02:02 pm


    RISING DOLLAR HURTS COMMODITIES... A firmer dollar since 2008 also explains why commodities have done so badly since then. That's because commodity prices trend in the opposite direction of the dollar.  shows the commodity boom (rising  CRB Index) that started in 2002 when the dollar peaked (falling  Dollar Index). The commodity bull run ended in 2008 when the dollar bottomed (see arrows). A rising dollar since 2011 (rising trendline) has coincided with falling commodities (falling trendline). A rising dollar during 2014 would make it more difficult for commodities to emerge from their current downtrend.

    somethings up (or down)

    Posted by morton13 on 20th of Jan 2014 at 03:29 pm

    US Dollar on the rise, GLD on the rise, TLT on the rise, retail sector getting smoked, hmmmmm something is up!


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