Strength in bonds

    Posted by kalinm on 4th of Apr 2013 at 05:27 pm

    Today was an especially strong day for bonds.  In the last 4 years, bond yield breakdowns have done a pretty good job at marking tops in the $SPX.

    Here is another way of

    Posted by kalinm on 6th of Apr 2013 at 08:13 am

    Here is another way of viewing the move in bonds last week.  This is from Chris Ciavacco -- it follows weekly bullish MACD crosses in TLT.  Only one time in the last six years did it fail to confirm a multi-week pullback in stocks (the transition/bottoming period in early 2009).  Otherwise, the strong move to defensive assets (bonds) has always signalled a medium/large sized pullback is imminent.

    next week will be interesting, maybe the commodity trade will be on again...and the oldtimers that depend on exports like CAT will take off from here.  time will tell!



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