re Gold

    Posted by kreem on 9th of Sep 2008 at 02:37 pm

    So if the credibility of the whole fiat currency system and the global economy was partly at stake and you demonstrated you could  easily take complete control of a puny market like gold right to the edge of even the gold bugs saying the bull market was over, and your aim was to break their back, in a world where fiction is reality, then wouldn't you go ahead and complete that move and push it right over the edge????(Starting with the idiot fringe - the silver/junior/ GDX enthusiasts, those with clearly more wind than power)

    Might you even cast this 'sinister manipulation' as a good thing, a necessary evil for the greater good, (regardless of who caused it in the first place)? Who cares about a bunch of naysayers and traders anyway - we're all losing money here.

    I've been losing money gettin pon board with gold bugs, who although they may be right in the end, never speculate on the above - they just say - 'fundamentals always win out in the end'. I'm begining to question their super literal way of viewing things. Is it possible with so much at stake this may just not be like all the other times.



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