chat room

    Posted by ghosttrader on 14th of Jan 2013 at 02:46 pm
    Title: quick ques for members

    Only a fraction of the

    Posted by steve on 14th of Jan 2013 at 02:54 pm

    Only a fraction of the members post on the blog...some send me private messages or e-mails sharing ideas.  Most members are consumed with work or their own trading. 

    chat room

    Posted by ghosttrader on 14th of Jan 2013 at 03:16 pm

    ok thnx steve,

    just wanted to make sure if i post some things here that may be news related that its the right place and not overkill on the board


    things are certainly looking very interesting today esp with the dell news,  

    Keep posting ghostrrader.......honestly outside of

    Posted by steve on 14th of Jan 2013 at 03:23 pm

    Keep posting ghostrrader.......honestly outside of DELL, RIMM, and AAPL most stuff fairly quiet (ie indexes)


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