News Items

    Posted by steve on 31st of Dec 2012 at 08:09 am

    Senate to reconvene at 11:00 am EST...significant differences remain.  It's anybody's guess as to how this fiscal discussion plays out (short and longer term). The market remains in a downtrend (still thin trading) and is likely to be prone to gyrations around news (rumors) on this subject.  While this soap opera is difficult to gauge, one should continue to focus on PRICE ACTION (on your underlying security) in accordance with the time frame you trade. This applies to both longs and short positions.

    Happy New Year to All......

    Merrill Lynch AM Note on cliff

    Posted by amillett on 31st of Dec 2012 at 10:42 am
    Title: click to expand

    'Cliff notes'

    Posted by hazbin1 on 31st of Dec 2012 at 11:45 am

    buckle up! Cool and enjoy the volatility in the new year!


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