Matt that was very well put...I hope that my post is read in the same perspective...I looked at the last 30 election year sept and oct's and thye are negative - many of them in the double digits - which is surprising to me. Could this time be different - well in this market anything is possible...firday was a good example...I was thinking ER2 could bounce to the 718 area...i covered at 704...but never could have imagined that we would pop to 722 or higher...which at this point may become a fibonacci trifecta and make it to 729 to any case...confidence is not a good thing in these markets...humility and the ability to adapt is. I have my perspectives of what i think should and could happen...but my automated systems and charts are designed to keep me out of it...the trick is to listen to them and not put your opinions and thoughts in a lofty they are your thoughts and impressions not the market' guys have done an absolutely tremendous job - IMO - the best of any analyst i know other than Jim Shepherd - (he is not a swing trader perse) and I want to congratulate you on a wonderful job done.


    Posted by ravun on 7th of Sep 2008 at 12:42 pm

    Well said.

    Also seems you also like caldaroew



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