yankee -- one thing I would say, is you have to be clear when you go in, what your time-frame is and what losses you can tolerate.  I started scaling into precious metals about three weeks ago which was way too soon! and I'm way down.  But I made the decision to give these positions very wide stops because I know that with sentiment toward gold so totally negative, the sector can't just keep falling, there will be no one left to sell.  Yesterday my DGP position was down 20%.  And its a moderate-size position - 1500 shares.  But I knew I simply was not selling it.  In fact I added to SLW yesterday and bought GDX. 

    I've learned from my mistake and hopefully will not enter a new position so  early next time.  But selling is not necessarily the answer if you believe the trend is still up and do not really need the capital for other trades.  I am a lot in cash, so I figure it can sit in that position until it comes back, which it will.   


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