13/34 daily ema cross

    Posted by morton13 on 24th of Oct 2012 at 12:06 pm


    Posted by lamb on 24th of Oct 2012 at 12:37 pm

    Could be.... While memories of

    Posted by kalinm on 24th of Oct 2012 at 12:31 pm

    Could be.... While memories of Bernanke's last announcement are fresh in people's minds, the technical picture was much different then.  Actually, it was the ECB announcement where the market bull-flagged perfectly and the DOW was touching the rising 50 day MA on that announcement.  Gold/silver/copper were coiled for an upmove.  Today is quite a bit different -- lots of early stage bearish trend changing action.  The two red candlesticks on the DOW are the strongest action directly off a top in years -- and that includes the AUG 2011 meltdown.  This man will try to paint a different picture though...


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