
    Do you believe we retest (Backtest) to 1260 on S&P or not?  I didn't want to go short until we back test to confirm the move down.  Is this the wrong approach and did I miss my entry point?


    Title: imho The odds of it

    Posted by cwa82675 on 4th of Sep 2008 at 09:49 pm
    Title: imho

    yeah, Im with you

    Posted by delane on 4th of Sep 2008 at 04:50 pm

    I heard that MER was going to come out with NO more write downs, and I thought, this will be a shot in the financial arm, therefore  short the skf....luckily I sold as a hedge cc strikes 110, 105,

    QCOM....should be bought .  Nokia used to buy chips from Tex instruments....and wil soon anounce switching to QCOM... check out ALL OF HP's new computers...all with GOBI, which is QCOM's technology wireless everywhere.  no more cords..not selling a nickel of Q until 60's Qcom will get 50 bucks at least from HP on every computer. 

    Wait till apple announces that they will second source their chips from Qcom. 

    BTW...congrats on the short selling on apple and did good.

    I have to say delane...i

    Posted by pcampbell66 on 4th of Sep 2008 at 06:33 pm

    I have to say delane...i do not understand your argument or what you must be thinking to want to short SKF...probabilities favor a collapse of several large financial institutions is forthcoming if not imminent - there will be lots more writedowns and debt issuance - so this thing is probably going to take out the i said yesterday, it was not a short. Today, its not likely a short and i must warn you that its seems like you are trading with your emotions and brain rather than discipline...I am glad that you sold covered calls...but I can not see an indicator that would like me short this your indicators first and then your thoughts and brain and don't get hurt...this is a VERY dangerous market.


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