Fed Mtg

    Posted by ocracoke53 on 25th of Apr 2008 at 12:03 pm

    Any thoughts on the rate announcement scheduled for Wed at 2:15. I know a week or so ago when gold spiked was some speculation that the mkt expectation of a .5 rate cut. Given the mkt bounce we have had recently, coupled with a recent small bounce in the dollar, and the high cost of oil I'm not sure we would see any cut. Of course I might just be hopeful, given that I'm also short gold and have a DUG position.

    I wonder what the current mkt expectation is, a .25, .50 cut? I'm light on the long side, I guess wait and see.

    Fed Meeting

    Posted by drorlando on 25th of Apr 2008 at 12:16 pm

    I bet .25% cut with talk with bias towards either stop loosing or tightening.  The rate cut is not what is important, it will be the 'language" afterwards by the Fed.

    I would prefer the fed

    Posted by lrhoades on 25th of Apr 2008 at 12:15 pm

    I would prefer the fed cut .25 and then say they were done...that would strengthen the dollare, likely kill commodities which have backed in much more fed cuts, and think the market could rally back to at least the 200 day ma on 500


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