Posted by zaru on 21st of Aug 2008 at 02:30 am

    You thought I was stupid?  Well, YOU HAVE NO IDEA!  Here's another one:  MACD vs. PPO.

    Why would one EVER use MACD if PPO does the same thing, yet is betterbecause it shows proper relative changes on 60 min, daily, weekly and monthly charts when prices change in huge magnitudes of order, like from 20 to 40.  MACD is distorted(read: incorrect when one tries to interpret pos/neg divergences) when prices vary by more than 5 or so %.  So since we know this, is there a reason to ever use MACD if one can use PPO instead?

    Thanks much!

    - Zaru

    MACD vs PPO

    Posted by jcomptonod on 21st of Aug 2008 at 08:48 am

    Personally, I have both in my charts. Many times I will see a movement in one before the other, but I like the comparison. It tells me things are getting toppy for instance.  Using them together has led to good decisions over time. But, whatever works, for you.  That's why we have so many choices in indicators.


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