$GOLD Weekly

    Posted by Peridot on 14th of Aug 2008 at 09:16 pm

    $GOLD Weekly- a little below the 86 EMA tonight.

    Dollar Resistance 77.5-78?

    Posted by charlie on 15th of Aug 2008 at 04:30 am

    Thanks Peridot for the $Gold Weekly chart with the 89 MA.  If you replace the Gol with US it brings up the US Dollar Weekly Chart, and the 89 MA was support from late '05 to spring '06, then it fell below it and became resistance, and retested from below in Oct. 2006.   That same MA comes in at 77.62 now, and I believe will still be resistance.   Also on the daily $USD chart:


    Late last year and early this year the dollar had/has? resistance in the mid-high 77 area as you'll see on the chart.  Early this AM on Bloomberg noticed that the dollar has spiked to the low 77s, and isn't far from any of the above resistance #s, whether daily, weekly, and several indicators from the daily chart, from schotastics to MACD, ADX/DMI etc. seem to either have topped out and/or are starting to reverse and have major divergence. 

    One other thing, whether it's stocks like last July when they let loose the balloons on the floor of the NASDAQ when the Dow broke 14000, or anything......commodities, currencies, it seems like when every paper, TV show has how that investment can't be contained, it's running away, and the trade becomes too crowded and has everyone chasing it, it's at least a temporary top.   For the last week or 2 all the trading shows and internet sites and money magazines and money sections of papers have all been touting how the dollar has broken out and it's going to keep going, and all commodities are just going to keep going down on the strength of the dollar.  I'm sure a lot more people will race into the trade today and maybe the next week or more, because after such a big run up, it may consolidate for a while, may even have a false break a little through the 77s into 78+ to bring more in before dropping, but it seems like it's almost reached the end of this rally.  Any thoughts on this?



    Posted by Peridot on 20th of Aug 2008 at 04:59 pm

    Charlie, I somehow missed your post on the $USD but found it when "Searched" for $USD on the blog.  The resistance as shown on your chart held today.  Appreciated your post.  p.


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