steve jobs quits


    Posted by oldtrader on 24th of Aug 2011 at 06:56 pm

    I think the guy is heading into the light real soon here, otherwise he would hang in there.

    Apple will drop 100 points in less than a week.  Steve jobs is not just a CEO he is a visionary that's not something you can learn. You either have it or you don't.  He is not replaceable and now your just going to see Iphone 10 and I pad20

    Nothing new will come out unless it was something on the books already

    I think..."Apple will drop 100

    Posted by chartboy on 24th of Aug 2011 at 06:59 pm

    I think..."Apple will drop 100 points in less than a week."

    Then you should be slamming every bid in the SPY or the QQQs you can...


    AAPL down 18 points currently

    Posted by steve on 24th of Aug 2011 at 07:01 pm

    AAPL down 18 points currently - my best wishes to him 


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