yeah, I'm frustrated, too.  I am a believer in gold long term.   Of course, GDX and miners act differently than gold, which is why we can use a GLD:GDX ration to trade., Not that I am saying I am good at it.   My wife's IRA is in Vanguard Gold, which is the miners.  I sold all shares in April at the top, expecting a big correction.  I have not bought back in yet, but let's see how it goes.  I think gold miners have a bright future, but they are stocks, so timing is important.

    On the other hand, I have been buying gold coins since 1999, and have never sold one of them.  This is my backup in case everything melts down.  I stopped buying at $1000, and am kicking myself now.

    Lots of frustration to go around.  If you find any insights, please share.


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