How much do the Swiss

    Swiss Franc

    Posted by oops1e on 4th of Aug 2011 at 08:13 am

    How much do the Swiss import?  If they import a lot like we do in the US, then your strong currency will make the goods from other countries cheaper.  Also, shouldn't the cost of dollar denominated commodities like oil be cheaper as well?  Thanks for your insight.

    Zwyss is rite to the

    Posted by dpack on 4th of Aug 2011 at 10:28 am

    Zwyss is rite to the point..... The strong franc is really having an impact in several swiss industries. 

    Also remember that the have quite a few exports (Financials, watches, machinery, pharma,etc..) It already has hit into the swiss banks, which report that strong CHF has hurts its profitability, among other factors.

    Flight Currency

    Posted by tgronbach on 4th of Aug 2011 at 08:45 am
    Title: YEN and Swiss Franc

    and they preceded the Japanese by a day in new attempts by lowering interest rates to 0%. That Swiss trade may go down as one of the all-time worst.

    Switzerland already intervened yesterday and

    Posted by zwyss on 4th of Aug 2011 at 09:43 am

    Switzerland already intervened yesterday and Politics and Swiss National Bank (our FED, independant from politics (as far as possible Laughing)) are very concerned about the strenght of the Swiss Franc.

    Infact Switzerland is an export oriented nation and gets hurt by a too strong Franc


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