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    Posted by iwedat on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 07:54 pm

    Its up to each trader to have a plan. Not for BPT to provide a plan for you. It would be impossible to provide a plan for everyone as there are so many different trading styles and objectives.

    As you know there is no crystal ball and technical trades are made using your interpretation and experience. Therefore you have to have a plan. Smart traders have more than one plan and project several scenarios, which can even contrast each other at times. The reward is taking the risk BEFORE the move/s in accordance your risk and assessment and/or system/s. EG Bullish/Bearish over different time-frames.

    IMO Matt has an uncanny market sense - i appreciate when he states his 'gut feel' as that keeps me on my toes. At the end of the day the market is always right and smart technical traders will conform to price action where they can interpret new possibilities.

    Hope that helps, cheers.




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