Follow Up to My Comment From Yesterday


    Posted by steve on 29th of Jun 2011 at 04:28 pm

    The reason for my post regarding hedging was because of the current circumstance surrounding the Greece situation and the number of posts and private messages I have received from members.  As you can see from members comments previous to my post, some have become very emotional and my comments were primarily directed at such members. 

    Hedging is sound practice when uncertainty reins (especially after a large move) but I clarified that one would at least need a short term sell signal to initiate a hedge and that again would depend upon one's trading time frame. The practice of hedging certainly requires a plan and a consistent approach and most are better off simply letting the system run unless they simply find themselves unable to deal with fluctuations. Again, it's a matter of personal choice and my comments were primarily directed at those members who have trouble dealing with their emotions. The primary reason some of you are having an issue is that you likely have too much invested - practice sound money management and you will sleep better. 



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