...and quite a few facts amongst the sarcasm.

    What is the point of all that info if there's no follow through - coherence is at issue here.

    I don't need 900 daytrading ideas, but I think it's reasonable to expect follow through in the tenor of the hour or so I put into listening to updates late at night, which would be a hell of a lot less of a crimp on my lifestyle if it came out earlier 

    If that wasn't offered then I wouldn't expect the blog not to be silent in response to my previous request for an update from ANYone with ‘conviction’ to what appeared to be the long-awaited and much talked-about longer term break of QQQQ over 46. The OIL short apparently triggered yesterday on lower volume.

    I’m not saying this to be nasty to poor old Matt & Steve. I know Matt’s often on the ball with this, but in this case there was no response from ANYone for half an hour. I could have benefited from ANYone’s conviction, including yours since you apparently had one. But if no-one had any take on the indices’ direction, I’m wondering how it is you are judging your daytrades. Why not communicate on the main thing before all the chaff.

     The conviction you are talking about seems next to useless in changeable chaotic markets. Ongoing and timely communicating on the signals is far more useful, at least to me. And once again, as NOT a full time daytrader, I apparently represent the majority. I took a bunch of watchlist longs on legitimate volume only to find out after the fact it was a probably false break. Even a warning peep after the SPY 5m head and shoulders didn’t seem to play out and the triangle breakout held would have been helpful.

    kreem -- what time frames

    Posted by Michael on 6th of Aug 2008 at 03:00 pm

    kreem -- what time frames are you trading.  The watchlist is presented as swing trades, so maybe not that important if there's a break on the 5 or 15 min charts.  Take the trade you like,  set a stop.    As a blog member, I want to say that if you have a specific question, ask a specific person or two and then deal with them if you don't like the response you get.  But you can't ask a queation of the whole blog and then get mad at everyone for not responding. 


    Posted by ravun on 6th of Aug 2008 at 02:52 pm



    I don’t know you from a bar of soap, and I can just say this.

    1: You must always be responsible for your own decisions, even if someone had pointed you in the right direction with your request, it is you that needs to pull the trigger; and to do that (I for one) one needs to know why you are doing it and have a plan in place to exit your trade.

    2: One needs to know why markets move as they do and why TA works as it does, seems to me your “bull trap” came about by either setting a stop too tight or listening to the “noise” So, if I may let me help you: On any pattern (A head shoulder, (or it’s sister –reverse head and shoulders), a wedge, a triangle or a channel…..you will often get a retest of the break ( see the chart I posted earlier). So in essence one needs to learn and understand for yourself why things work as they do, there are many ways to do this….must I point you to some learning blogs?

    3: Trading is not a “get rich quick” thing (some might be lucky or gifted) and this site entails a lot of work, I know I run one in SA, and thus the owners need time to put together all the charts they do.

    Anyway, my 2 cents worth…take it or leave it and trade well…..it takes time…))))

    kreem - we have lives

    Posted by dodgerdog on 6th of Aug 2008 at 02:46 pm

    kreem - we have lives too and it takes time to analyze the charts - you have made your point very clear.  I already replied to your earlier questions - check your inbox.

    In terms of trading questions, you need to take more responsibility, we can only do so much and we do not have crystal balls.  Define what type of trader you are and stick to it.

    If you don't find the service useful then by all means go elsewhere.


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