Thank you for the work


    Posted by algyros on 18th of May 2011 at 12:18 pm

    Thank you for the work that you've done.

    If you have the time, could you compare the single entry and the multiple entry strategies using options, say over the period that you've tested.  

    Also, Tom and I were talking about the folloiwng strategy using the multiple entry system:  Signal 1:  Buy SPY; Signal 2:  Buy SSO; Signal 3:  Buy SPY options; Signal 4:  Buy more SPY options or futures.  If it's not asking too much (which it almost always is), could you plug these values into your spreadsheet to see how they compare to the single entry options and multiple entry options strategies?

    Again, many thanks.

    Comparing single entry to multi-entry

    Posted by tumbler on 18th of May 2011 at 12:37 pm

    Comparing single entry to multi-entry since 2005:

    single entry: 97 trades, 85 wins, gross P/L $150K

    multi entry: 156 trades, 138 wins, gross P/L $285K

    I'll crunch the scenario you outlined - will take some time.

    Again, many thanks.   Just to clarify,

    Posted by algyros on 18th of May 2011 at 12:47 pm

    Again, many thanks.


    Just to clarify, are the statistics you just posted for the same investment (in other words, are your calculations based on something like this:  invest X dollars in the single entry system with each signal; divide X into some percentage, such as 40, 20, 20, 20 and invest that percentage of X in the multi-entry system with each signal)?

    The stats assume the same

    Posted by tumbler on 18th of May 2011 at 12:59 pm

    The stats assume the same number of contracts per trade using consistent trade criteria. So for the stats I posted the assumptions are 10 contracts per trade (single and multi entry), at the money strike with 50-80 days before expiration.

    You could also run a model assuming a fixed investment - say $10K per trade - but you would have to adjust each trade as they would have a different number of option contracts. Unfortunately my crude excel skills make it easier and more timely to use a fixed number of contracts.

    What I am trying to show is the risk/reward using options for the SPY System is outstanding (regardless of using fixed investment vs. contracts). My hunch is it's better than buying stock, though you'd need a quant to really crunch the numbers. What I find particularly appealing is limited risk - especially if your short and concerned about black swan events. I'd rather have $10K at risk vs. $100K.

    So, to get it straight,

    Posted by algyros on 19th of May 2011 at 07:42 am

    So, to get it straight, in your calculations, if the multi-entry system has four trades, it invests four times as much as the single entry system.  Is this correct?


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