Buy Sell Discussion

    Posted by RM686 on 11th of May 2011 at 11:25 am

    I found these discussioin very helpful. I have 3 small IRA accounts and I saw the multi entry system chopping up the performance because of commisions.  I like the 40/60 system as a good compermise.

    Also this discussion has proven how robust the SPY system really is. It seem to work any which way.

    Given each persons circumstandces and risk tolerance it is a system made in heaven.

    Discussing accounts, position sizes, leveraging

    Posted by kingpin777 on 11th of May 2011 at 12:05 pm

    Discussing accounts, position sizes, leveraging etc is different than what I'm referring to.

    Don't get me wrong, I

    Posted by stevedfw on 11th of May 2011 at 11:31 am

    Don't get me wrong, I thing the general discussions are great about the trading vehicles and the different entry percentages.  

    I just think the constant questions about if there is a signal all day and wanting daily updates when there is no change are troubling. 


    Posted by burkmere on 11th of May 2011 at 11:41 am

    I agree, Steve. I want to propose to Matt that rather than closing the system because of all the fretting , etc. is that he simply closes the thread perhaps, if he needs to, and just give the regular signals per the emails, sms's, and BPTs own posting on the site.  Perhaps he could allow PMs to him if there were any major issues, etc.

    I just don't want him to close it down because of frustration.  If there's anything we can do before that might happen, I'm sure  we would all be open to it rather than having him close down the system because he feels like he has to respond to all the questions, etc.  If it gets to that point, I hope he tells us and then he can just post signals and be done with it.

    That said, sure, talking about weightings per entry, etc. and the effect of SSO vs. SPY, etc. is very useful as we aren't  badgering him about if there will be a sell the next day or a buy this day, etc. He doesn't have the time to take all those questions about buys or sells each and every day amidst everything else he has to do. He has said he'd try and tell us during the day if he thinks there will be a sell the following morning or a buy the end of that day. That should be enough for us.


    Matt has seen worse than

    Posted by cal1 on 11th of May 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Matt has seen worse than this. Ask him about the old SRS 15 minute system that made so much money in 2008.  He babysat customers for what seemed like weeks. This new SPY system is so much more versatile and the premise of "return to the mean" trading is not common. Most other systmes are momentum systems and when you get a drawdown you know it!

    Think about how much time Breakpoint has put into launching this system. Then think about how much money they made from our memberships.(every 6 months) Who's kidding who?  Take your time to settle in. Think ahead and make provisions for an end of the trade or morning trade. Hey our first trade is positive isn't it? As far as ease of use, this relieves me of all that reading and research. It allows me to enjoy other parts of my life. And, who can argue with 9 to 1 odds.

    I believe we are a fortunate few!



    Posted by freddy123321 on 11th of May 2011 at 12:41 pm

    But will drawdown heavy on trend change. Does not seem to catch

    Drawdowns are a normal part

    Posted by cal1 on 11th of May 2011 at 02:41 pm

    Drawdowns are a normal part of market activity. In investing they are called losses because they aren't expected. In trading they are called drawdowns because, although unpleasant we expect a drawdown at some point. The depth and duration are what can be demoralizing if you are not emotionally prepared. The best way to prepare is to "sell down to the sleeping point". Don't bet too much! Smart hedge fund investors add to there positions when the fund manager is experiencing a drawdown. So, not only should you notsell out of a system during a drawdown but, you should consider increasing your stake.

    Another strategy if you are

    Posted by cw12 on 11th of May 2011 at 03:04 pm

    Another strategy if you are expecting more downside in your position, is to write some covered puts/calls. Let's take the current trade for example. SPY is currently trading at 134.11. You can short the SPY MAY 13 135 Calls(out-of-the-money Calls) at 0.32. As long as the SPY settles(closes) below 135 on expiration(May 13), then the options expire worthless and you pocket the premium. If you are expecting to take further heat in your current position, this strategy generates a steady stream of cash in the mean time.

    A research only thread would be fine...

    Posted by lessarda on 11th of May 2011 at 11:56 am

    but I'm not sure that won't just increase the PM load. The extra burden answering questions, etc., should die down naturally with time. BPT clearly takes customer service seriously, and I'm sure that will get everyone focused just on ideas and implementation soon enough. 


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