drawdowns and multi-entry system

    Posted by Michael on 6th of May 2011 at 10:57 am

    one of the things accomplished by the multi-entry system is lowering the maximum drawdown.  With the single entry its 10%, with the multi-entry the way matt has it set up, its 4%.  There is a BIG psychological advantage to having a 4% max drawdown vs 10%.   With the single entry system, using SSO you have to be prepared for a 20% drawdown, vs 8% with the multi-entry.  Using futures, with the single entry you could be down 100%.  You have to actually be prepared to sit through that.

    Michael -- You make a

    Posted by puma on 6th of May 2011 at 11:53 am

    Michael -- You make a very good point. I've chosen to go with the multi-entry system, primarily for that reason. I've always been a discretionary trader, and my trading style limits losses in most trades to 5% or less, often much less (and a little more on very low priced stocks). So for me it's a HUGE psychological advantage to trade a system where the expected max drawdown falls in my comfort zone -- less than 5%. I am having to adapt my psychology to following a system, and it helps me a lot as far as making that adaptation.


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