
    all in!

    Posted by freddy123321 on 21st of Apr 2011 at 01:15 pm

    just having some fun with you Laughing

    i think it could dble from here i just wouldnt buy here. thats all

    silver stocks underperforming

    Posted by zwyss on 21st of Apr 2011 at 01:28 pm

    I wouldn't buy slv anyway, I'd rather buy physical silver. But i am surprised that silver stocks have not performed well in recent days. When I look at silver stocks someone could think that silver has already corrected to 32$.

    In my opinion that means that eather silver will correct sharply very soon or silver stocks will catch up soon and fly to the moon. I believe that big boys are shorting gold- and silver stocks at the moment. If GDX can manage the hurdle at 64$-65$, than it could go up very fast. I'm long Gold and Silver stocks but I do not feel comfortable seeing the stocks lagging behind. Maybe it would be better to wait until GDX breaks above 65$.....


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