Excellent, true observations, Algyros...

    Posted by lessarda on 17th of Apr 2011 at 09:36 pm

    Following the great conversation among the poets, philosophers and theologians from the ancients through to the moderns is the essence of liberal education -- something only a few schools do any more.

    Yes, it would be great

    Posted by algyros on 17th of Apr 2011 at 09:48 pm

    Yes, it would be great if we could reinstitute "great books" courses that were required of all students, in both high school and college.  But, we seem to be moving in the direction of McCollege.  Perhaps that's the price of democracy.  Perhaps the price of a free market system.  I don't know.  But I do know that it makes me sad that in many circles to be called an "intellectual" is an insult.  Can you imagine what Plato, Aquinas, Nietzsche, etc. would have thought of a culture that sees the cultivation of the mind as a negative thing.


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