Here is my 60 min

    GDX - 60 min sell signal

    Posted by pebs on 4th of Apr 2011 at 04:18 pm

    Here is my 60 min GDX chart.  The circled portion shows where the GDX:GLD ratio crossed down.  I, too, took a short at 60.00 and am holding this. 

    FWIW, I find that trading the GDX:GLD ratio in conjunction with the buy/sell signal on the $BPGDX to work well.  For example, if the $BPGDX is on a sell, then I would be inclined to take all shorts on the GDX:GLD ratio and avoid long trades.  When the $BPGDX is long, then I go long the GDX:GLD ratio cross and avoid short trades.

    Of course, there will be whipsaws, but I have found this to be profitable.


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