
    Posted by freddy123321 on 30th of Mar 2011 at 07:19 pm

    If EW makes folks money, that's all good and dandy. But it is not from market calls rather selling newsletters. Being right once every ten years does not make one reliable.

    EW and EWI are not

    Posted by Michael on 30th of Mar 2011 at 07:39 pm

    EW and EWI are not synonymous.  Plenty of people use Elliot Wave besides EWI.  Steve right here at BPT is sure good.  Matt, I think, uses it well by applying it in certain chart scenarios to strengthen trade signals.  And Caldaro has been quite accurate with his calls for a long time.  There's a lot you can't call with EW that maybe Prechter has tried to call.  So don't subscribe to EWI.  But for what you can call, these guys I mention use it well.  Its foolish to just bash Elliot Wave over and over.  There are people making good use of it.


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