to understand that we MUST not EVER make any joke including the new Messiah. that is sacriledge

    Repeat after me, "It's all Bush's fault"...see you feel better already if you are on the left.

    I still think we need a political thread or a tag that let's us see everything BUT the off topic or a new political thread.


    Sense of humor

    Posted by zach06 on 4th of Mar 2011 at 02:26 pm

    I trade better after a good joke.... that was the idea...   I can find some Bush jokes if people prefer... but I figured everyone already heard those... LOL

    Bush and Obama go into a bar....

    Posted by perthx on 4th of Mar 2011 at 02:29 pm

    naw, just kidding, that one will offend all sides.....

    bring it on! there was a

    Posted by Palladin on 4th of Mar 2011 at 02:33 pm

    bring it on!

    there was a young girl from Nantucket...


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