10 year rates and TBT

    Posted by oldtrader on 4th of Feb 2011 at 03:36 pm

    I have to wonder if the fed is sitting around smoking crack, I suppose if your meals are free and your medical is free and you have a gas card to fill up your tank at no charge to you.  I guess there is no inflation.

    Since I am in purchasing I can tell every member everything I buy is much higher than it was last year with only a few exceptions. And its only going to go higher.

    Anyone shorting the housing market better think twice, there 2 things that will cause buyers to come off the sidelines

    1. Home prices going higher

    2. Interest Rates going higer

    Faber to Bernanke

    Posted by lessarda on 4th of Feb 2011 at 04:29 pm

    Along these lines, Marc Faber called Bernanke an outright lier on inflation in a televised interview. Good call.

    On housing, though, it's hard to see either the supply issues or the psychological shift in attitudes towards owning -- both strong & ongoing downward pressures on house prices -- being overcome by higher interest rates. This area still looks quite deflationary.

    Would be nice to get

    Posted by oops1e on 4th of Feb 2011 at 04:08 pm

    Would be nice to get a good deal on an inexpensive to own (and operate) home, lock in these low rates, and slowly pay off the balance with ever depreciating dollars!


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