
    Posted by ditch on 27th of Jan 2011 at 09:24 am

    This is the current view of Cold Mountain, NC from above my house. I'm down there in the clouds but need to get outside and play!

    it's global warming, of course!

    Posted by perthx on 27th of Jan 2011 at 09:52 am

    when the public could no longer be fooled with junk science about man made global warming, they changed it to just global warming, and when that was properly disbelieved they changed it to 'climate change' instead, much harder to argue with another term for normal weather cycles and patterns.

    No worries, they will still tax and regulate us to death even as the debt crushes our very being just as Nero fiddled as Rome burned.

    A funny global warming anecdote

    Posted by oops1e on 27th of Jan 2011 at 10:07 am

    A funny global warming anecdote that is totally off topic for this site...  Anyways, I was having a discussion about the topic and the person I was talking to cited last year's earthquake in Haiti as evidence of global warming!  Still having a chuckle on that one...

    nice pic

    Posted by hazbin1 on 27th of Jan 2011 at 09:27 am

    cnbc just said CT. has 62 inches of snow this season, vs. anchorage alaska @ 39.  no wonder my kids are so excited, with all the snow days they will be going to school a lot longer this semester (another storm slated for next week after 15 inches last nite).

    I think I'm gonna shovel off the roof later.  Foot in mouth


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