
    Posted by drorlando on 18th of Jul 2008 at 01:51 pm

    arl:  Sorry:  I just got your note.  I am at a satellite clinic in BFE.  I would look to Matt's SPX 15 minute chart.  Negative Divergence..and in this market I watch SPX instead of Nasdaq.  I think we pullback as to way overbought, but what worries me is 60 minute XLF looks strong.  If you are going to play these scalp tardes, use day trades only and do not let the sun set on them.  I fell better going to bed at night when the 15 minute and 60 minute says south. 

    In saying that, I would take gain in SKF and sell.  Think we pull bak this afternoon.  I am not playing it because I am away from secure terminals.  The best trades I like now is pullback and go long...ride this puppy, then SHORT!

    Matt, dodgerdog, rp and dylan:  Heck of a job you all have been doing these past few days.  I want to ssay I aprreciate your inputs!


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