Dollar and the Fed

    Posted by PA on 11th of Nov 2010 at 02:38 pm

    Let me share with those of you who are trying to piece together the big picture, the Game Plan.

    The Fed knew it was stoking the Credit Bubble, including the Real Estate Bubble -  it did it intentionally. It is intentionally stoking a new Stock Bubble since Mar 2009.  It knows QE1 would not work, and QE2 won't work either. Nor will QE3 and QE4. Why is the Fed embarking on this course that it knows will make life worse for the US and its trading partners?

    Answer: It has long been thought the NWO wants to move the world to a one-currency platform.

     A one world currency and one world central bank would amount to a global dictatorship, because if that happens,  if a country resists whatever rules and laws come out of the central gov’t, ( probably the unelected  UN), then they would be cut off from global commerce.  Look at what the IMF did to threaten Iceland because they did not want to bail out the banks that destroyed their  economy.

    So dropping the dollar slowly is one way  to do it. Another is to drop it overnight without warning, say a cut of 50% to 90%. Some think the US will be merged with Canada and Mexico before that happens, but they are all so tied together anyway that  it’s not really necessary.

    I agree, you can already

    Posted by cwa82675 on 11th of Nov 2010 at 02:57 pm

    I agree, you can already see articles in the wsj talking about a new currency of default this week, but one has not been name.  I understand the IMF has already created a world currency and are just waiting for the right time to release it.  IMF website Currency LINK, article, more.  this play has been planned and going on for a long time. politicians have no forward thinking and only think to the next election, not what is good for the country.  Do you think the politicians write the bills they pass, heck no its written buy the guys who really rule the roost...It will be less than 10 years before we are all using a global currency imho. there is scary stuff going on that will drastically impact our lives in the next 10 years...

    we don't need conspiricy theory

    Posted by admagazu on 11th of Nov 2010 at 02:59 pm

    we don't need conspiricy theory in this room... BPT standards are higher than that

    You need to wake up

    Posted by PA on 11th of Nov 2010 at 03:04 pm

    You need to wake up


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