5 lettered Canadian symbols on PinkSheets

    Posted by rank10 on 21st of Oct 2010 at 10:15 am

    This is just my advice, but if you plan to purchase any of these uranium stocks via the pink sheets i would plan to hold them for a while.  You cannot day trade these symbols.  The spreads can be 2-5 cents sometimes and on a .50 cent stock is a huge percentage of your overall gains. I do own these symbols in my 401k, but i dont trade them like I do my IB account.

    Something else to take note of.  Most brokers will show you where the price closed as of yesterday for the quote.  This is most likely not the correct bid and ask.  And you can't just go off the price quote for the Canadian version either, because there is a currency difference factored into the price.  Although they are very close right now because the Canadian dollar is close to par with the US dollar. 


    Uranium Stocks

    Posted by livingtillerylake on 21st of Oct 2010 at 11:14 am

    Rank, as you have pointed out several times, uranium stocks are due for a pull back.  How much of a pull back do you see occurring?  Thanks




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