marketguy, please continue to post


    Posted by hazbin1 on 14th of Oct 2010 at 08:20 pm

    marketguy, please continue to post your charts and ideas. BPT site is the best trading site I've found in 10 years of trading. this venue is for sharing trading ideas from BPT's best (aside from Matt and Steve)  is what is making money. whether you post long or short ideas doesn't matter, whether you are personally short or long doesn't matter either. posting charts that defend your position is what makes a market (and most of us find intriguing, especially if your making money) . constructive criticism is the order of the day. inability to understand this basic concept is often a sign that critics are failing in their quest to make money consistently in the market. willingness to share/post trades and have them publicly prove profitable or fail is still all part of the learning process. everyday here is a learning experience. I for one am here to make a living, not to referee inane comments of those who don't like your ideas or position.  Unless Matt/Steve ask for you to change your modus operandi, don't.

    second that. Great post

    Posted by PA on 15th of Oct 2010 at 10:02 am

    second that. Great post


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