I think that when anyone


    Posted by algyros on 14th of Oct 2010 at 06:24 pm

    I think that when anyone makes a public statement, like posting on a blog, they should be ready to accept criticism.  You post a lot of very useful and interesting charts, and for that we are all grateful.  But your critics also make excellent points.  It would help this blog if everyone, you and your critics, addressed issues in a civil way.  It doesn't do anyone any good to hurl invectives.  Demeaning posters or posts with abusive language does damage to the best financial website in existence, so I would urge all of us to address issues in a supportive manner.

    That right there is the

    Posted by cw12 on 14th of Oct 2010 at 06:50 pm

    That right there is the problem. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. And most of these posts that have been directed at Marketguy have been uncivil. This blog is about sharing ideas, whether they're different or not. To kick someone who has a different view is very uncivilized.

    That is correct.  But, to

    Posted by algyros on 14th of Oct 2010 at 06:55 pm

    That is correct.  But, to be fair, Marketguy has occasionally responded to his critics in an uncivil manner.  My point is that all of us should be willing to criticize and open to being criticized as long as we do it in a way that advances our trading.  Egos and territorial squabbling have no place on this forum.

    algyros -- I have no

    Posted by Michael on 14th of Oct 2010 at 07:45 pm

    algyros -- I have no reason to be involved in this, but its interesting.  That's exactly what I don't get -- what are the points that marketguy's critics are making?  What are the points that are so excellent that they need to be driven home again and again and again?  Its hard to tell, because most of it is expressed as sarcasm. 

    Is the point that they are right and marketguy is wrong, because they are focused on the fact of the trend and marketguy is focused on the irrationality of the trend?  OK.  Point taken.  Now leave they guy alone.  He's not telling other people what to do.  He's just posting a LOT of interesting charts  and expressing his incredulity, again and again, at the shoddy nature of the uptrend.  He's not alone in that.  Or is the point that newcomers to the blog might mistake marketguy for one of the owner's of BPT?  Because he posts so much?  Seriously?  Is that one of the points? -- that market guy is posting too many charts and he has a bearish bias?  And newcomers might think he represents BPT?  Wow.  Relax.  Let the newcomers take care of themselves.  They're not dummies.

    This is a great blog.  I've never seen another trading blog like it.  But for me people like marketguy aren't a problem to be afraid of -- like he might drive newcomers away -- he's part of what makes the blog interesting.  This is called the Trading Community. 



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