sorry I haven't been posting lately....

    Posted by marketguy on 13th of Oct 2010 at 07:28 pm

    but as many are aware, I was going to take a hiatus from posting on BPT for awhile (mainly because of a couple of dickheads on the blog).....everyone knows who they are so I won't even bother mentioning them as that may be the attention that they so obvious crave.....

    that said,  I received so many personal emails and PMs from other members I've become close with that I should ignore the freaking rift raft and continue to that's what I'm going to do....

    I never said I've got "the" crystal ball (which apparently these others do but don't want to share with the rest of us) thus I'll continue to post my thoughts and ask the trolls of the site to either:

    1. shut the frick up or 2. put up some charts to refute what I'm posting...

    and btw trolls, I work, so how about posting your idiotic comments at night or later afternoon when I have a chance to respond and not be a coward by posting at a time you know I obviously can't respond.....

    sorry for the soapbox but had to get off my chest....continued success to all (whether bull or bear)....

    i too like your

    Posted by loveit on 13th of Oct 2010 at 10:23 pm

    i too like your the old trading mantra goes you can be wrong more than your right and still beat the market with proper risk/reward mgmt....those that were right on this move i am sure have been wrong in past moves at one long as the losses are controlled it will all come back when you are right........i kind of sucked too this move with my mkt neutral option positions getting worked over with the constant move higher and put premiums continue to hold up on this move(I made adjustments out the ying yang til finally just closed everything last week going into expiration this week).....but i am getting excited for when it changes ill be ready

    I understand how you feel.

    Posted by cw12 on 13th of Oct 2010 at 08:54 pm

    I understand how you feel. I'm sure others are posting less because they don't want to be attacked by the trolls just because they have a different opinion as them. The trolls take it too personal that someone may be on the opposite side of the trade as them. They lash out with d-bag comments when things are going their way, but you don't hear a peep from them when the market is going against them.

    You post great charts. The only time they post is to troll or beat their chests after the fact. Just try to ignore them, even though it is hard.

    Title: I enjoy All your

    Posted by rbreese on 13th of Oct 2010 at 07:47 pm
    Title: I enjoy All your Efforts

    Welcome Back MarketGuy

    Posted by livingtillerylake on 13th of Oct 2010 at 07:36 pm

    Good to hear you're back and I agree with the others, MarketGuy, I for one enjoy your comments and ideas.  This market has been tough on all of us.  Good luck and keep posting please.  Look forward to hearing from you again.


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