Thank you Matt.  I was

    M3 Switch

    Posted by Peridot on 1st of Oct 2010 at 01:59 pm

    Thank you Matt.  I was hoping that we would get a M3 Switch advisory.  I understand that it's "iffy" at this point but it would coincide with the
    Bradley turn date that occurred yesterday, as well as the EWI report last night mentioning a possible turn between Oct. 1 and Oct. 4 +- a day.  Even Hochberg acknowledged that those dates may not be effective but time tools are fun.  Hope everyone whas a nice weekend.  p.

    re: gann date time frame--

    Posted by parkridge77 on 1st of Oct 2010 at 02:03 pm

    re: gann date time frame-- POMO also scheduled for 10/4 & 5-- which can bias market, too


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